
Moann Pokedex

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Literature Text

Moann: Land of the Dragons New Pokemon Pokedex
Just to keep track of what's been done :)

No.                          Type                    Link
1. Alichen                Grass          …
2.Mossitor               Grass/Dark        …
3. Komodoss           Grass/Dark        …
4. Fawnie                Fire               …
5. Flazelle                Fire/Steel      …
6. Flakepi                Fire/Steel     …
7. Surfox                 Water         …
8. Surfear                Water          …
9. Polshiro               Water/Ice    …
10. Humebi             Flying          …;
11. Lunico              Flying           …
12. Flanico              Flying/Water…
13. Skurite             Bug/Light     …
14. Mandite            Bug/Light     …
15. Flamite             Bug/Fire       …
16. Burran              Rock/Ground…
17. Platolin             Rock/Steel    …
18. Plateeta            Rock/Steel    …
19. Rushil               Flying           …
20. Rushant           Flying/Fighting…
21. Leefurai            Bug/Grass    …
22. Shogick            Bug/Grass     …
23. Scuttoach         Bug/Dark      …
24. Vampick           Bug/Dark      …
25. Eyebie              Dark             …
26. Fistajou            Dark/Fighting…
27. Slimeck            Bug              …
28. Pestick             Bug/Flying    …
29. Flikick              Bug/Fighting …
30. Spatulid           Water/Dark   …
31. Squod              Water/Dark   …
32. Skrayd             Dark/Metal    …
33. Kertzen           Normal/Electric         
34. Sparkat           Normal/Electric        
35. Gracelet          Flying/Light             
36. Graceleen        Flying/Light             
37. Fuzzat             Normal          …
38. Koramant        Normal/Flying…
39. Howlern          Dark/Sound    …
40. Huffulf             Dark/Sound   …
41. Skreet             Flying/Sound           
42. Skreagle          Flying/Sound           
43. Skreeroc          Flying/Sound           
44. Flashp             Fire/Poison     …
45. Vipeevil           Fire/Poison     …
46. Coatol             Fire/Dragon    …
47. Lubair             Bug/Electric              
48. Beammy         Ground/Light            
49. Beamara         Ground/Light            
50. Flarit               Light              …
51. Shockit            Light/Electric …
52. Cheedash        Light/Electric …
53. Basglet            Ground/Sound         
54. Bashog            Ground/Sound         
55. Boarlow           Ground/Sound         
56. Rhimpage        Steel/Fire       …
57. Burnig             Grass/Fire      …
58. Flamush          Grass/Fire      …
59. Inferlog           Grass/Fire      …
60. Yunieye           Dark              …
61. Fangdoreye     Dark/Psychic  …
62. Mitsume          Dark/Psychic  …;
63. Dofun              Normal          …
64. Dofumo           Normal/Fighting…
65. Stripine           Normal/Fire   …
66. Thylend           Normal/Fire   …
67. Paramare        Ghost            …
68. Kelpeist           Ghost/Water  …
69. Pachordion      Normal/Sound…
70. Organaderm    Normal/Sound…
71. Filluzion           Fire/Ice         …
72. Dartice            Poison/Ice                
73. Glaciart           Poison/Ice                
74. Picoloat           Rock/Sound              
75. Trombill          Rock/Sound              
76. Biggorn           Rock/Sound              
77. Armadan         Ghost/Flying  …
78. Archxic           Rock/Poison    …
79. Venyx             Rock/Poison    …
80. Kitang            Rock/Ice         …
81. Maulidon         Rock/Ice        …
82. Pinoll              Ghost/Steel    …
83. Dolreep           Ghost/Steel    …
84. Voodun           Ghost/Steel   …
85. Prindot            Water            …
86. Shrimpot         Water/Fire     …
87. Lobstot            Water/Fire     …
88. Novelurm        Bug/Psychic   …
89. Dolphamp       Water/Electric …
90. Watzicht         Water/Electric…
91. Plesiamp         Water/Electric…
92. Drapple           Dragon/Grass …
93. Ringodon         Dragon/Grass…
94. Dokudon         Dragon/Poison…
95. Celesta            Psychic/Light           
96. Caribell            Ice/Sound     …
97. Bamoose         Ice/Sound      …
98. Aurorda           Light             …
99. Spectrin           Light            …
100. Aurorash       Light/Fighting…
101. Lunare          Light/Dark     …
102. Fukufoss       Ghost/Normal …
103. Tenkami        Ghost/Normal…
104. Kamibake      Ghost/Fighting…
105. Violem           Grass            …
106. Giardem        Grass/Sound  …
107. Curflat           Ground                   
108. Flatibian         Ground/Psychic       
109. Fluffin            Ice/Flying               
110. Auken            Ice/Flying                
111. Neveka          Ice                          
112. Nevettack      Ice/Fighting             
113. Nevestrom     Ice/Fighting            
114. Genone          Rock                       
115. Prigem           Rock/Light
116. Shilter           Steel/Water    …
117. Armappa        Steel/Water  …
118. Drarmor         Steel/Dragon …
119. Flasheon        Light                       
120. Vibreon          Sound
121. Saureon         Dragon
122. Bleamur         Light
123. Shadorac        Dark
124. Yindayan        Dark/Light
125. Solecklash      Rock/Dark     …
126. Lunacklispa    Rock/Psychic …
127. Dramarupt     Fire/Ground            
128. Chromajaw    Water/Dark             
129. Frockle           Bug/Ice                   
130. Granpig          Psychic/Light           
131. Twirla             Normal/Psychic       
132. Bronzorn        Steel/Sound            
133. Karooler         Fighting/Dragon      
134. Delidrake        Ice/Dragon             
135. Unheard         Psychic/Dragon       
136. Unspoken       Psychic/Dark…
137. Dualsparce      Normal/Dragon       
138. Campush        Water                    
139. Zepren            Water/Light           
140. Littocam         Water/Light            
141. Yumeri            Dark/Dragon          
142. Piadonna        Psychic Grass          
143. Segias            Bug/Dragon             
144. Esandagi         Electric/Dragon      
145. Raydie            Light                     
146. Symfonie        Sound                   
147. Paradie           Dragon
148. Gaiallius          Grass/Steel           
149. Shindrius        Poison/Steel          
150. Dokari            Light/Dragon
Just a Pokedex to keep track of things for myself :)
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everytoon101's avatar
man so awesome.....LAND OF DRAGONS YAAAAAAY I <3L.O.V.E.<3 DRAGON TYPES :3